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Topographical surveys

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Topographical surveys

Topographical chart

The topographical chart is essential for every property. It depicts:

  • the property’s sizes,
  • the property’s surface, shape, and dimensions,
  • the building capacity,
  • the conditions, restrictions, and the possibility of increasing the building, and
  • the legislation governing the property.

A topographical chart is necessary to make a contract, issue a building permit, and register or correct a property in the National Cadastre.

Topographical chart with elevations

It is often required by law to have a topographical chart with elevations, as it shows the elevation of an area or property and other details. It is used in issuing building permits, the demarcation of shorelines and beaches, the delineation and regulation of streams, the study of the terrain and topography of a building, etc.

Architectural measure drawings

Along with topographical drawings, architectural measure drawings are an equally essential element in any property that includes a building. The building’s drawing depicts the configuration of the building, the use and configuration of its spaces, the dimensions of openings, and the construction materials. An architectural measure drawing is required in a contract to legalize a building, add an extension or height, or rearrange it to meet the new owner’s needs.

Beach and shoreline demarcation

Before obtaining permission to build on a property that is next to the sea, a demarcation of seashore and beach lines must take place. This is done after the area has been mapped with elevations and in detail, over a length of at least 500 m. After the mapping, an autopsy is carried out by the respective committee, and the demarcation of the lines is done. The procedure is completed when the new shore and beach lines are published in the Official Government Gazette.

Traffic connection

When a property borders a municipal or national road, and this property is built, then a traffic connection to the road network is required. To do this, the characteristics of the property and the road it borders must first be mapped. Then, after the necessary approvals and depending on the use of the building, signage, and landscaping work is carried out to create an entrance/exit junction for the property.